About Us

Welcomepicture of universe

Several centuries ago, in Arabia, they were both thrown into prison for teaching these beliefs and understandings. The charge was that the privilege of teaching was reserved for a select few, and outsiders were not to interfere ...or presume to advanced knowledge. They were finally let out of prison, but only after promising not to continue teaching; and once released, they could not break their vow in those lands. Since then, they have been, each in their own way, administering to the needs of others

 Dr. Mistler (Misty) left her dental practice in Fairbanks, Alaska--which included work in the Eskimo villages of Chevak, Hooper Bay, Alakanuk, and Emmonak--to follow her life-long dream of writing, orchestrating, and performing her own music, ...and presenting exciting new ways of healing, self-discovery, and personal enhancement. Throughout her life, Dr. Mistler has seen and experienced how people bring about their own separation from spirit; create hurts, disorders, and diseases in their body and mind; and create loss and unfulfillment in their lives. And knowing the devastating effects that illness of spirit, mind, and body have on life's promised joy and enrichment, she has devoted herself to helping others relieve their pains ...and gain lives of happiness and wellbeing.

Roger, after a long and successful architectural career in Florida, Alaska, and Hawaii, turned from designing buildings, as coverings for the body, to teaching people about the wonders and benefits offered by life, ...which most people had lost or failed to bring into their lives. He provides personal and group "soul readings" for those interested in renewing and transforming their lives and relationships. And together with Misty, they offer seminars and workshops on reincarnation, dream interpretation, personal relationships and intimate communication, wellbeing, healing music, auras, affirmations and visualizations, parables of the soul, self- understanding and awareness, Forever Living, ...and other life-enhancing subjects.

For additional information, for personal readings to discover your previous and present journeys in life (not offered by phone or mail), or to arrange for seminars and readings and musical performances in your city or town, contact us in Hawaii. Or visit us on "The Big Island" for life-renewing self-discovery and transformation through the teachings presented ion this website. Psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, counselors, and others in the medical or healing professions may join special workshops and learn more about Forever Living and the Wisdom of Your Mindful Body for their patients and clients.

Misty & AlfonsRoger & Andrew


